7GEM, the condensed wisdom of human science!
Abundant Life Sdn Bhd, a reputed healthcare company in Malaysia, pursues health and beauty through exquisite products so that people can retain health and beauty, and live a fashionable, prosperous life.

A healthy and beautiful body is not born, but a valuable option that can be pursued. Precious health and beauty in life can be achieved through a good lifestyle and diet, as well as scientifically and intelligently manufactured healthcare products.

Abundant Life puts today's healthcare science into practice by launching a series of precious, exquisite and natural healthcare products to help us pursue a healthy and beautiful body, making life richer and more elegant.

Wonderful ingredients and effects of 1=2
Abundant Life's flagship product is the heavyweight "7GEM", a high-end collagen that is suitable for both genders, all ages and ethnic groups. This is also a high quality product enabling us to penetrate the multiracial market in Malaysia.

It is described as “heavyweight” because we spare no expense and invested an arm and a leg to make it with a series of sophisticated, precious raw materials to realize the value of “one pack giving the effect of two". The rich ingredients come in great abundance, making it extremely good for health.